Over the past months, two Rolling Hills producers have been featured in the 70th Annual Hoard’s Dairyman Round Table articles for their innovative milk practices.
In November, Holmesville Dairy operated by the Holmes family was one of the operations featured in a reproduction innovation. Holmesville Dairy has been a winner of the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council’s (DCRC) annual awards competition. At the article link below, you can read about how they have adjusted their voluntary waiting period to 88 days to improve peak milk.
Hoard’s Dairyman Round Table Article: Reproduction takes a complete approach
In January, Haag Dairy out of Dane, Wisconsin was featured for cow data innovation they have equipped in their operation. Haag Dairy use a combination of Dairy Comp and SCR rumination data to make decisions at the dairy in the January 10, 2021 issue of Hoard’s Dairyman.
Congratulations for both farm families for being featured!