by Rolling Hills Co-op | Jun 12, 2017 | Farm Life
On June 3rd the Iowa County Dairy Breakfast scuccessfully served over 2,300 people. Thank you Brokish family for hosting this great event.
by Rolling Hills Co-op | Mar 22, 2017 | Farm Life
Well deserved award and recognition to a wonderful person and family. Follow link for article Joel Kooistra article.
by Rolling Hills Co-op | Mar 3, 2017 | Farm Life
Rolling Hills Dairy Producers Co-Op is proud to congratulate member Joel Kooistra on being awarded Prairie Farmers Master Farmer Award.
by Rolling Hills Co-op | Feb 15, 2017 | Farm Life
The South West Cheese Makers Association will be awarding $2,000.00 scholarships to students looking to further their eduction in dairy. Review the following documents for more information: January 30 2017 cover letter to area high schools, January 30 2017 cover...
by Rolling Hills Co-op | Nov 23, 2016 | Farm Life
We will be holding our 11th Annual Meeting in Belmont. Mark your calendars for March 25, 2017.